The Employee Experience in the age of AI

31. oktober | 08.30-15.00 | Microsoft, Kanalvej 7, Lyngby

Open and Fellowmind invite you to a joint seminar and networking event at Microsoft Denmark

Join us as industry leaders and experts share insights and experiences with AI in organisations and its impact on the modern workplace, culture, and productivity.

We will delve into the transformation that workplaces worldwide are undergoing as AI becomes an increasingly integrated part of daily life. Our exploration will cover AI’s influence on employee productivity and development, along with its effects on culture, well-being, and job satisfaction—in other words, The Employee Experience in the modern workplace.

Our focus will be on sharing knowledge about navigating this evolving way of working.

The day will feature a wide range of inspiring presentations from our experts and professionals from our clients who are leading the integration of AI within their respective organisations.

This seminar is primarily aimed at leaders in organisational and business development, operations, HR, and communication, as well as anyone with an interest in digitalisation and business development.

Join us for a day dedicated to exploring AI in modern organisations and looking ahead to how we can create a future where AI contributes to development and optimisation rather than replacing employees.


Case Studies: Presented by industry leaders
Examples of Copilot for Microsoft 365 integration across various industries, focusing on knowledge sharing and insights into how AI generates real business value.

Panel Discussion: AI in the Workplace
A diverse panel of industry leaders and AI experts will explore AI’s impact on the employee experience.

Networking and Lunch
An opportunity to network and share experiences with others in similar roles over a delightful lunch.

Break-out Sessions: AI in My Organisation
Open discussion forums where you can discuss, alongside other participants, how AI is influencing the work environment.

Sign up

Sign up for the event The Employee Experience in the age of AI here. 

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Boris Nyland
Director, Sales
+45 53 53 75 70