Never stop learning
They say a dog is man’s best friend. This is definitely true for Adam Rybak, our Managed Services team lead in Poland. Every day, he charges his batteries during long walks with his dog Budyń (Pudding in English). They both love to explore the countryside, especially in the morning sun.

Adam not only has a strong bond with his dog but also with his team. “We like to get together during coffee breaks and have a shared interest in games, especially thrilling board games. We have several games in the office, Zombicide being one of our favorites. I recently started to paint the little miniatures that are part of this tabletop game. I’m curious what my teammates will think of my new hobby.”
Every day is a new day to gain more knowledge.
Adam started as a programmer about fifteen years ago and has learned many new things since then. His personal development has shaped him as a team leader, and he has a clear motto: “Every day is a new day to gain knowledge.” During his career, Adam has gained a lot of experience in the finance, manufacturing, and logistic industries focusing on Dynamics 365 solutions. “Every customer is different, and every project has challenges. That is why I never get tired of my job. Take the implementation of the same legal requirements for several companies with different business profiles on different Dynamics AX versions. Together with a small team of consultants and developers, we faced the challenge of developing a platform with many legal requirements on various versions of Dynamics AX within a short period of time. Through great teamwork, we were able to get the job done.”

Listening is an essential skill for motivating people, and Adam masters it like no other. “My colleagues appreciate that I always listen to them. If they need support, they can count on me. I try to help them move forward with a certain mindset and by looking at a project from different angles.”
I call on all women to apply for Fellowmind vacancies.
“Regularly, we go karting, paintballing, or to the pub to watch soccer games with the team - typical male activities. Currently, only one female is working on our team, but I call on all women to apply. I hope that the developer team will be more gender-balanced in the future. Diversity in the team offers different insights and encourages creative thinking and problem-solving, which helps us keep learning and developing our skills.”