Empower your employees with Microsoft Copilot

Amplify your organization with intelligent assistants that connect with your data to boost decision-making, enhance productivity, and foster collaboration. Get the competitive edge with Microsoft Copilot!

A personalized experience

Microsoft's Copilot integrates seamlessly into your Microsoft 365 and Dynamics 365 applications and takes care of routine tasks so you and your employees can focus on what matters.  

By connecting with your data and applications, Copilot learns from your interactions and not only simplifies your tasks but also proactively makes suggestions to increase your efficiency. 


Boost efficiency with AI for rapid ticket resolution

Quickly check product inventory and stock levels and answer the customer inquiry.

Gain up to 5x faster response time

  • Copilot finds product info and inventory level directly from your system
  • Sales gets information straight to Teams via chat
  • Copilot writes email based on customers requests and the info gathered
  • Sales hits send

Solve customer issues fast and easy

Create instant and accurate responses to your support tickets. Empower your customer service team to exceed customer expectations.

Gain up to 6x productivity gains

  • Create an automatic summary of a support ticket
  • Let Copilot propose a solution based on your knowledge base
  • Automatically compose an email with the right answer.

Quickly follow up on your meetings

Run effective meetings, get up to speed, organize key discussion points, and summarize actions.

Gain up to 20x productivity gains

  • Recap what I’ve missed in a customer meeting.
  • List my action points
  • Summarize contract changes
  • Find related documents

A game-changing technology

AI is a reality and has the potential to revolutionize your business. By embracing AI early in the game, you can pioneer your industry and gain a competitive edge.

However, navigating the world of AI can be challenging on your own, so we offer our expertise to help you get started in the right direction. A logical first step can be to power your organization with Microsoft Copilot.


of Copilot users said that it helped jumpstart creative process

70 %

of Copilot users said that they became more productive

67 %

of Copilot users said it freed up time to focus on important tasks

70 %

of Copilot users said that they didn't want to give it up

Connect with your customers, collaborate with coworkers, and gather crucial intelligence

Copilot in Dynamics 365 Sales makes sales a well-oiled machine. Among other features, it has a chat interface that sellers can use to get a quick summary of their opportunities and leads, catch up with the latest changes in their records, prepare for meetings, and read the latest news about their accounts.

Fast and high quality service

Copilot analyzes customer data to identify patterns, anticipate customer needs, and diagnose customer's problems. By using your organization's internal knowledge and large amounts of data from trusted websites, Copilot provides your coworkers with a suitable solution to share with the customer.

Create highly personalized and targeted customer insights

By interacting with your customer data platform using natural language, marketers can create highly personalized and targeted customer segments. The function suggests new segments and handles complex calculations to match customers against selected profiles. In addition, Copilot inspires email campaigns based on the user's request and suggests ideas from existing emails and various Internet sources to increase relevance.

Create, view, and manage work orders using the power AI

Amplify your field service personnel! Copilot in Microsoft 365 integrations and the Field Service core app support users with assisted work order creation, management, and scheduling recommendations, resulting in increased productivity for your frontline staff.

Watch how it works and what our customers say

In our AI broadcast series, we have invited customers and experts to showcase the actual experience and use cases for Microsoft Copilot and customizable solutions in Azure OpenAI.

Sign up for upcoming live events and get a chance to ask your questions to our experts directly or watch our recorded broadcasts on-demand. Stay updated with Fellowmind!

Copilot for Microsoft 365

Microsoft Copilot integrates seamlessly with Microsoft 365, enhancing productivity and creativity across your organization. By leveraging advanced AI, Copilot transforms the way you work, automating routine tasks, providing intelligent insights, and enabling natural language interactions with your data. It’s like having an expert by your side, helping you to work smarter and faster.

Copilot in Microsoft Teams

In Microsoft Teams, Copilot acts as your ultimate meeting assistant. It can summarize conversations, automate meeting notes, and follow up on action items, ensuring that collaboration is efficient and no detail is missed.

Copilot in Outlook

Outlook becomes more intuitive with Copilot. It helps manage your emails by drafting replies, scheduling meetings, and prioritizing important messages. Copilot in Outlook means spending less time on email management and more on what matters.

Copilot in Excel

With Copilot in Excel, data analysis is revolutionized. Simply ask Copilot to interpret data, create complex formulas, or generate visualizations, and it delivers, turning data into actionable insights effortlessly.

Copilot in Word

Word documents are created and edited with unbeatable ease using Copilot. From writing assistance to style suggestions, Copilot helps you craft perfect documents without the usual time investment.

Copilot in PowerPoint

In PowerPoint, Copilot transforms how presentations are made. It assists in designing slides, generating content, and even providing speaking notes, making impactful presentations the new norm.

Begin your AI journey with us

We strive to live up to our promise of making people adopt and enjoy technology and making the solutions work with them. Enabling you to digitize what makes sense and use human skills where they matter most. With the continuous release of new Microsoft AI Solutions, we can further accelerate this promise.

There is no one-fits-all AI solution, but with our industry knowledge and technology expertise, we can help you find the right AI use cases and solutions that are most valuable for your organization. Let's start your AI journey and give your business a boost!