Watch the recording | Webinar, PART 2: Maximize Profitability with Dynaway EAM: Optimizing Maintenance in Dynamics 365 Business Central
Tuesday 11th March 2025 at 10 -11 am
Join us for an exclusive live demo in our webinar series on the Fellowmind Manufacturing Template solution, focusing on maintenance.
Dynaway will explain and show how you can use Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central to drive higher profitability through digitalization and optimization of your maintenance processes. Enterprise Asset Management is about getting the most out of your production facilities through better management of assets and maintenance planning.
Streamline maintenance processes with Dynaway Enterprise Asset Management
Dynaway EAM might not seem like a big deal, but it offers practical solutions that can significantly streamline maintenance processes. It's not about reinventing the wheel—it's about making your existing operations more efficient and effective.
Here are the three most important benefits of Dynaway EAM:
- Reduced Downtime: By optimizing maintenance scheduling and asset management, Dynaway EAM minimizes unplanned downtime, keeping operations running smoothly.
- Increased Profitability: Through digitalization and efficient maintenance processes, Dynaway helps improve asset performance, leading to higher overall profitability.
- Better Decision-Making: With real-time insights and data-driven analytics, Dynaway EAM enables more informed decisions, improving long-term operational efficiency.
Join our webinar to learn more about Dynaway EAM and how to optimize maintenance in Dynamics 365 Business Central.
- Kasper Shik Thomsen, Director of Business Development, Dynaway
- Kaj Lindström, Business Lead, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, Fellowmind
- Antti Lidström, Solution Lead, Dynamics 365 Business Central, Fellowmind
To whom?
The webinar is aimed at Fellowmind's potential and current customers. It is particularly suitable for decision-makers and experts responsible for the digitalization, development, IT, finance, production, and operational activities of manufacturing companies. If you are interested in Microsoft technology and want to utilize it to its full potential in your company, then this webinar is for you.
Fellowmind reserves the right to verify the information of registrants and limit participation to those who belong to the target group.
The webinar is free of charge for participants.
Katso tallenne
Etkö päässyt mukaan webinaariin - ei huolta, pääset katsomaan tallenteen täyttämällä lomakkeen.
Katso webinaarisarjan muut osat - Fellowmind Manufacturing Template x Microsoft D365 Business Central -webinaarisarja, 5 osaa
Fellowmind Manufacturing Template x Microsoft D365 Business Central -webinaarisarja, 5 osaa
Osallistu webinaarisarjaamme, jossa esittelemme Fellowmindin Manufacturing Template -ratkaisukokonaisuuden. Tämä valmiiksi suunniteltu kokonaisuus tarjoaa käytännönläheisiä työvälineitä ja ratkaisuja kaikkiin teollisuusyrityksen keskeisiin toiminnallisuuksiin ja tarpeisiin.
Fellowmind Manufacturing Template -ratkaisumme pohjautuu Microsoftin huipputeknologiaan sekä valikoituihin, kokemukseemme ja parhaiden käytäntöjen mukaisiin ISV-ratkaisuihin. Tässä webinaarisarjassa esittelemme ratkaisun, jonka keskiössä on pilvipohjainen ERP-toiminnanohjaus, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
Osa webinaarisarjan osista pidetään suomeksi ja osa englanniksi. Jokaiseen webinaarisarjan osaan ilmoittaudutaan erikseen.
Ilmoittaudu webinaarisarjan muihin osiin:
- KATSO TALLENNE! OSA 1: Webinaari: Tehokkaampaa tuotantoa teollisuusyritykselle Fellowmindin Manufacturing Template -ratkaisulla (30.1.2025)
- 11.3.2025 at 10-11 am | PART 2: Webinar: Maximize Profitability with Dynaway EAM - Optimizing Maintenance in Dynamics 365 Business Central (in English)
- 28.3.2025 at 10-11 am | PART 3: Webinar: Boosting Efficiency & Quality: YAVEON Apps in Dynamics 365 Business Central (in English)
- 24.4.2025 klo 10-11 | OSA 4: Webinaari: Saumaton raportointi: Dynamics 365 Business Central- ja Microsoft Fabric -ratkaisujen hyödyt
- 29.4.2025 klo 10-11 | OSA 5: Webinaari: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, Copilotit ja AI-agentit: tekoälyn mahdollisuudet pk-yrityksen liiketoiminnassa